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Image by Sergei Akulich



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Scale Deposit Treatment

Scale and Prevention:

Scale deposit forms when water becomes over saturated with calcium and must precipitate a percentage of this to maintain its saturation equilibrium. As calcium is an inverse soluble mineral, the hotter water gets the less calcium it can hold in solution. When it precipitates, it bonds with available carbon to form scale (also referred to as lime scale).

Another circumstance that can cause water to become over saturated with calcium occurs when water is released from being under pressure. Familiar examples of this include faucets and shower heads.



Saturated ~ containing the maximum amount of a substance capable of being dissolved under given conditions.

Precipitate ~ to separate (a substance) in solid form from a solution.

Descaling and Scale Prevention:

Traditional methods accomplish this by using a water softener that uses a specially charged media which attracts calcium ions. Once the media becomes covered in calcium it must regenerate. It does this by flushing a concentrated salt brine through the media to clean the beads which is rejected down the drain (backwash).


Our solution is Hydrocor's Electronic Descaler


Both products are effectively trying to achieve the same effect, under-saturating the water of calcium so the water does not need to precipitate it as scale.



  1. The electromagnetic wave action creates a large number of suspension and condensation in the water. This process prevents scaling by not adhering to the surface of plumbing, heaters, industrial coolers, equipment, amongst many other scenarios. The existing scale will gradually dissolve in the water.

Water scale is an ongoing problem for many industries and homes. Plumbing is circular and is an ideal surface for it to attach itself too. When the temperature rises as the water travel through the pipes, the pressure (psi) decreases.


A Direct Comparison : 
Water Softener VS. Electronic Descaling


Water Softener process:

• High purchase cost
• High installation cost
• Chloride discharge
• High running costs/maintenance
• Not suitable for drinking water
• Requires regeneration and wastes water
• Environmental pollutant


Electronic Process:

Lower purchase cost
• Straightforward installation
• No salt required
• No running costs/maintenance
• Nothing is added or removed from water
• No wasted water
• Softer, cleaner water

The Electronic Descaling Process:


This Hydrocor descaling product utilizes electromagnetic wave action. This action creates a large number of suspension and condensation in the water.


     When the water is heated, or the pressure (psi) decreases, the calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) plasma in the hard water is absorbed. This action is crystal nucleation creating a process that occurs in forming a crystal from the
solution. This process begins with another form of calcium carbonate that has a very distinct characteristic to calcite. When the calcium carbonate precipitates as aragonite, it forms a non-adhering harmless insoluble crystal that is either consumed or carried through the system to the drain. This process prevents scaling by not adhering to the surface of plumbing, heaters, industrial coolers, equipment, amongst many other scenarios.
This process prevents scale deposition and any pre-existing scale is gradually absorbed.


The existing scale will gradually dissolve in the water.

What happens when scale is left unchecked?

Blocked plumbing, in addition to scale and corrosion, results in low energy exchange, low production output, actual energy consumptions and potential hazards. The HydroCor Electronic Descaler system effectively deals with scale problems physically and with no chemicals needed.


HydroCor's Electronic Descaler has three specific functions:
Remove scale, kills bacteria and algae and a physical flocculation

How does it remove the scale?
The alternating electric field constantly controls positive and negative ions in the water, alternating and moving to electrolyze and prevent scale.

How does it kill bacteria?
Through osmosis for the water, the benefit of bacterial reduction creates a lower cost for you.

How does it flocculate?
HydroCor's Electronic Descaler delivers a positive and negative charge to water particles, and this creates flocculation.

The working principle of HydroCor's Electronic Descaler,  Flocculation, is that it generates an electromagnetic field. The alternating electric field constantly moves the positive and negative water ions to electrolyze and prevent scale.

HYDROCOR Electronic Descaler details:

Have you had the headache of water scale problems?

  • Water scale gets thicker as it blocks your plumbing.

  • Chemical cleaning of scale is not environmentally friendly and can be expensive.

  • Your heat-exchange efficiency gets lower and lower.

Eco-environmental scale removal solutions

- The most common solution for years has been the water softener.


- There is no need to cut plumbing


- Installation of various material plumbing like iron, copper, stainless steel, galvanized iron, PVC, pe-x, and anycomposite material plumbing.


- We have plumbing diameters between 1/8" -80" (4-2000mm) – Dust-proof IP65 level shell to resist achallenging installation process.


- If you install a softener, you have to buy salt; salt can be expensive over time and is not suitable for the environment.


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